Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Day of School ..... What I 'NOTICED' about the 6th Grade.

Please write your first name & last intial /  period & grade for each comment.
Wow !!! Today has finally come, vacation is over, and school is in full swing. Today we welcomed our new 6th grade students, as they hustled-and-bustled through the halls of LMK. I noticed that their faces were filled with worry, fear, & of course excitement, as the search was on to get to their new classes. I saw that most 6th graders were quiet, concentrated, and quick-footed, while juggling their schedules with their books, in hopes that the next classroom they passed would be theirs. As I directed traffic, they went in all directions, some traveled close, while others weren't so lucky, but I assured them not to worry, as for today was their first day of school.

Now it's your turn ! 
What did you Notice today?
Why did you Notice that? 

What else did you See?


  1. What did you Notice today?
    My old classrooms
    Why did you Notice that?
    I went in them when I went to see my old teachers
    What else did you See?
    My 6th grade teachers

  2. What did you Notice today? Today i noticed that everyone was worried and was nervous for the first day to finaly come.
    Why did you Notice that? i notice this because everyone in the hallways were wondering if they were in the right classroom or not.
    What else did you See? i noticed the hallway was very busy and that lead to a tight sqeeze through the hallway.

  3. What did you Notice today?
    I noticed that I got a different locker.
    Why did you Notice that?
    I noticed that because my old locker was in sixth grade L team, now I am in a different section of the school.
    What else did you See?
    I saw my old locker number when I passed by.

  4. What did you notice today? I noticed that i have a different locker.
    Why did you notice that? I noticed that because my old locker was in a totally different section of the school.
    What else did you see? I saw that my new locker is smaller but wider.

  5. Lea F 8-7 Said...

    What did you notice today? I noticed my new classrooms. Why did you notice that? I noticed that because some of them were bigger than last year. What else did you see? I saw my new teachers.

  6. What did you Notice today?
    Today I notice that most of our teachers had papers for our parents and ourselves to sign

    Why did you Notice that?
    I noticed that because all the teachers were going over the rules of their classes.

    What else did you See?
    I also saw the new classes I had this year.

  7. Michelle M period 8-7September 12, 2010 at 7:52 AM

    what did you notice today? I noticed Mrs. Courtneys shoes. Why did you notice that? I noticed them because they were designer shoes. What else did you see? I saw my chorus teacher.

  8. Lauren R 8-7
    What did you notice today? I noticed my new 7th grade teachers
    Why did you notice that? I noticed them because they were teaching me new things what else did you notice? i also noticed all the different classrooms.

  9. Sydney M. pd.2 Gr.8
    What did you Notice today? The Huskies won their football game.
    Why did you Notice that? I was at the football game and it said the score on the scoreboard.
    What else did you See? Most of the fans were wearing maroon and white.

  10. Danny g 8-7

    What did you notice today? I noticed that the lockers had locks installed in them. Why did you notice that? I noticed that because on the supply list it didn't say to bring a lock.What else did you see? The lockers were smaller.

  11. Cassidy D. pd. 2 grade 8.September 12, 2010 at 12:58 PM

    What did you Notice today? I noticed my brother had the same teachers I did in 6th grade.
    Why did you Notice that? Because I saw him around the school going into my old classes.
    What else did you See? My old teachers.

  12. What did you notice today?
    I noticed that my classes are 10 seconds away from eachother.
    Why did you notice that?
    I noticed that because it used to take me about a minute to get to science,but know it takes me 10 sc.What else did you notice?
    Their kind of small

  13. What did you Notice today? I noticed that my locker is far away from my homebase.
    Why did you Notice that? I noticed that because it took me a while to walk all the way from my locker to my homebase.
    What else did you See? I saw a lot of the 6th graders running around the hallways looking for their classes.

  14. What did you notice today?
    I noticed there were a lot of people.
    Why did you notice that?
    Because i went to school and saw a lot of people.
    What else did you see?
    A LOT of new kids! And people were pushing and shoving each other in the hallway there for; there were many people.

  15. Troy T. pd: 2, grade: 8September 12, 2010 at 6:01 PM

    What did you Notice today?

    I noticed expressions of excitement, confidence, and worry on my friends' faces.

    Why did you Notice that?

    I noticed this b/c I was observing them in the halls, in all my classes, and at lunch.

    What else did you See?

    I also saw new classrooms, new teachers, and, well, pretty much a whole new world compared to my last 2 years at LMK.

  16. Nicole N pd.8 grade 7
    What did you notice today?
    Today i noticed my locker.
    Why did you notice that?
    I noticed that because it was really hard to open.
    What else did you notice?
    My locker is a lot smaller than my old one.

  17. Pd.2 Grde 8

    I noticed that many 6th graders had worried and confused faces running around from class to class.

    I noticed this because i remember when i was in 6th grade and i had the same faces as them, so it brought back memories.

    My old classes and teachers from last year.

  18. Pd.8 grade 7

    What did you notice today?
    I noticed my locker.

    Why did you notice that?
    I noticed it because I have the bottome locker and its hard to get to it.

    What else did you notice?
    I also noticed that my llocker was pretty.

  19. I noticed it wasn't summer any more. I was in school.

  20. Pd.2/Grade8

    What did you Notice today?
    I noticed that there was a lot of new kids in eighth grade.
    Why did you Notice that?
    Because there were a lot of unknown faces in my classes
    What else did you See?
    My old teachers teaching new people

  21. What did you notice today?
    I noticed that my homebase is far away from my locker.
    Why did you notice?
    It took more time to get there then I expected.
    What else did you see?
    Other eighth graders power walking to the portables.

  22. Amanda Almeida Grade 8 Period 2

    Yay!!! I finally found the blog!!

  23. I noticed today that many of my chore classes were on the higher floor.

    I noticed this because i remember being on the lower floor and always seeing the 8th graders go to the top floor, which I'm on now.

    I also noticed that every 6th grader looked confused and nervous, just like i did on the first day.

  24. I noticed that most my core classes were on the top floor.

    I noticed this because i use to be on the bottom floor but now i moved up a level.

    I also noticed that all the 6th graders were so nervous just like I was when I was a 6th grader.

  25. I noticed that everybody got tall over the summer. I also noticed the sixth graders look so young. I noticed it because I was much taller than them.

    Frank F grade 7 period 9

  26. Lauren Ryan period 8 grade 7September 13, 2010 at 4:56 PM

    What did you notice today? I noticed my new 7th grade teachers. why did you notice that? I noticed them because they were teaching me new things. What else did you notice? I also noticed all the new different classrooms.

  27. chris.s grade 8 pd2
    what did you noticed?
    I noticed that there are a lot of new kids

    why did you notice this?
    I noticed that because there are a lot of kids i have never seen before

    what els did you see?
    i saw my new bus driver

  28. grade 8.

    What did you notice today?
    I noticed how the sixth graders were all in a rush to get to their classes inside their new school.

    I noticed this because I saw sixth graders running through the halls confused

  29. Danny D. period 8 7th grade
    What did you notice today?
    I noticed my locker.
    I noticed it because the I have a top locker and I wish I had a botton locker because it is easier to get in to.
    I also noticed that my lockers gets stuck and is very hard to get open.

  30. What did i notice today?
    I noticed alot of the kids were asking questions after school.

    why did i notice that?
    I noticed that because its the first day of school sports.

    what else did you see?
    I also saw kids were running to the locker rooms.

  31. anthony tiso period 8 7th grade
    what did you notice today?
    i noticed my freinds shoes
    i noticed my freinds shoes because i like nike and i like lebron james.

  32. what i noticed today was that my friend Anthony F wanted someone to go with him to go get pizza IN THE CAFETERIA.

  33. What did you notice today? I noticed my volleyball coach.

    Why did you notice that? I noticed that because it was my first day playing volleyball.

    What else did you notice? I noticed MR. AMICO.(:

    From, Michelle M
    Grade 7 Period 8

  34. Bradley k grade 8 pd 2September 14, 2010 at 4:55 PM

    I noticed lots of sixth graders in the hallways

  35. What did you notice?
    I noticed that football is a lot of work and training.

    Why did you notice that?
    We did a lot of exercise and the practices are long.

    What else did you notice?
    I also noticed that we do sprints every practice.

  36. I noticed that in football we do a lot of exercise and training.

  37. I noticed alot of sixth graders were shorter than me.
    I noticed it because i used to be alot shorter and now im nnot.
    I noticed that they were all rushing to class.

  38. What did you Notice today?
    You have 34 comments on this blog. (gasp!)

    Why did you Notice that?
    I care about blogging. And now I have comment-envy.

    What else did you See?
    You have fantastic links (on terminology, creativity article, etc.)

    I see you are a blog-Master.

  39. What did you notice today?
    I noticed franks shoes.
    Why did u notice that?
    I notcieid them cause there jordans and i like jordans.
    what else did u notice?
    Mr. Amico

  40. I noticed that my locker is far away from my homebase. I noticed this because it took me a long time to walk from my locker to my homebase. I also saw alot of sixth graders running to their classes.

  41. What did you Notice today?
    I noticed there were alot of extra people on the bus.
    Why did you notice that?
    I noticed that because usually there is a lot less people.
    What else did you see?
    I saw my friends in the back of the bus.

  42. I noticed that it was Friday, because the board said so.
    I also notice i needed a new reading book.

  43. Maybellene A. per 1 grd 8

    I noticed:
    I noticed the 6th graders were getting shorter very year.

    b?c i have 2 look down 2 c them. . .

    What else:
    The classes are pretty far from each other. n especially the team V lockers

    **also: this is hw rite?**
