Friday, September 24, 2010

Observational Drawing: Contour Line Design

RALPH M's POST: 7th Grade/ Period 8 / 1st Quarter

Label 1 of the 3 pictures using your knowledge of the Content Specific Vocabulary for Observational Drawing. Contour Line, Cross-Contour Line, Proportion, Composition, & Still-Life.
Explain briefly how each vocabulary term is being used in 1 of the 3 artworks below.
Untitled from the Portfolio of Andy Mouse. Keith Haring. 1986.

 The Mona Lisa. Leonardo da Vinci. 1503-6. 

Donna Surprenant. Fruit Bowl with Cherries. 2009


  1. painting 1 Contour Line the shapes of the persons head, circles rectangles and triangles. there is also shape of rectangles for the money , Cross-Contour Line, the money signs the on the money, and the glasses. Proportion this picture is in proportion the head is perfect for the body, Composition, & Still-Life the money is a still life but the person is not
    painting 2
    contort line the shape of mona lisas body and the objects behind her
    cross contour line her eyes the things behind her nails hair clothes.
    proportion head is in proportion to body
    still life the water mountains.
    contour line the shapes of the bowl and the fruit
    cross contour line the grapes and apples cherrys peaches/
    proportion the fruit is in proportion to the bowl
    still life
    the fruit and the bowl is all dead

  2. Jake U.
    in the first picture theres contor lines on the outline of the mouth. Cross contor lines a shown on the mount and lips area. there is proportion when it shows the arms in contrast to the body.

  3. the fruit bowl is a still life because it is dead and non moving. It is in proportion(size). it uses contour lines or out lines and then also uses cross contour lines for the detail in the fruit and bowl. it also uses composition, which is the organization of everything.

  4. PICTURE 1
    has contour lines-outline of the body
    has cross contour lines-the eyes,pant buttons,inside lines on money, and nose,mout, ears.
    proportin-it is in proportion because the shapes a in relative sizes to eachother.
